woot!! went down to rp to do enrolling and buy laptop lol . .
after that went to newton play lan with nick , suan and hansel lol. .. once again when we start owning , everyone starts leaving after like 10mins -.- haiz . -.- went home at 7.30pm lol -.-
yeah haven played enough ! played uno with nick nah = x
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
lol from left to right : titan me kamp and reg =/
sia la went to play maple at delphinus server today lol . . for i dont know what retarded insane reason
haiz i am really missing sa and mi le ~_~ going for lessons , skipping lessons =x attempy to steal drink from sho classroom =x sa malay rice stall and desert =/ mi western stall . . all these are now memories le haiz . .
Saturday, March 24, 2007
woot happy birthday to kes(23rd march) and cherring(24th march) !!!!
sianz ~.~ i am starting to miss school le haiz . . everyday play also very sianz de lorz . . saw dennis back at sa afew days ago -.- seems like he retaking o level liao good luck to him ba . .
lol to nobody's surprise . i played maple for the whole day again haha . . its been getting laggy so its abit hard to play my ice mage ~.~ so played the dit !
playing with jr balrog lol assaulter!! cant see the damage though lol
meso explosionssss
savage madness !!
yay finally got 1 scroll #%@#%@#^$#^#$#$% lol
Monday, March 19, 2007
woot! went to nyp early to send in appeal letter haha thanks my cousin for driving me there o_O and OMFG i saw chongkarkit aka WinDywAr haha he's rushing for time though =( so he left after like 5 seconds =(
oh well . as usual i played maple today for the whole day ! but yea its just slacking and staying at FM talking to ppl . yeah those that play BOOTES plix add picoz!!!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
happy birthday sean lim? lol lol you ask about priest de skill so ya ? treat as your birthday present ba ! LOL
this is teh mystic dooor aka dach colmha ? lol
and this is dispel aka the wing thingy lol . removes all the bad stuff on you(curse,weak,blind,etc)
WANTED malay guy by the name of mutuh who often harasses girls in mrt bewteen boon lay and tampines . mutuh is a dangerous character thus approach with caution especially if you are a girl . yeah since he is wanted , anyone who sees him just give him a good bashing so he will stop harassing girls . ty for cooperation lol
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
omg and cherring plays maple in cass server and wtf ? she is level 118 >.< pro girl
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
lolz went to play lan with nova at about 5+ . . saw a kid who is quite helpful when my comp got stuck ~ yeah he challenge us cs 2v1 lol . . and we GOT OWNED BIG TIME !!!!
OK MAYBE NOT BIG TIME . maybe we just lost a 2v1 game -.- like 20+ to 10 haha OHYA AND HE IS A 9YEAR OLD KID OMFGWTFROFLMFAOUNBELIEVABLE. lost to a primary3 kid-.- only excuse i can give is lousy mouse =x
sian 1/2? posted to rp biotech . . which is the last choice of my 3 choices appeal list -.- . business info and business it 1st and 2nd and fail to get in both -.- both cut off point of 18 and i got 17 and still cannot go in -.- herman got into retail management which have cut off point of 16 and he just met the cut off point with l1r4 16 -.-
world is nvr fair !
black mehmeh!!!
sia la forget magic guard .-.- 1HIT KO
taking revenge ! lol
Monday, March 12, 2007
crap skill against crap monster haha !
i am retarded! i am playing back maple wtf LOL
those still playing(i doubt there are any), add my picoz @ bootes ba !
Sunday, March 11, 2007
thursday & friday : went to play pool -.- nick nah lost heavily on thurs lol so he ask me out to play pool again on friday to avenge his defeat -.-
saturday: went it fair with nova haha . suppose to go with nick ong but yeah forgot about it -.- lol the back stair case scary eh >.< alot hot show girls dont know doing what there lol . . scared the hell out of me
today: lol cousin wedding today -.- just went for the tea ceremony thing . . about to go for dinner soon at some hotel at clark quay haha
haiz ~.~ i am starting to miss mi le >.<
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
fuck? this is the courses i applied for . and the number in red are the latest cut off point for 2007 .? what the fuck ? differ so much from 2006 de . . .datas are all lies dont trust them. ever
ok screw the unhappy stuffs. woke up early to meet nova to go sajc . . . just to take appeal form haha -.- seems like he dont know where teh genaral office-.- yeah so cab down to yishun to meet cheryl and yeah went yj. the stupid office clerk dont even let me take appeal form but challenge me meet principal sia? lai lo ? k n n. . yeah wanted to meet sharon but she in lecture =(
yeah and nova went to meet his friends at yck and me & cheryl go mi to find wy for fun haha . den went down to tp to ask about appeal . .
HERES THE HAPPY PART: PRINCE OF TENNIS36 IS FINALLY RELEASED . WAITED 4 BLOODY MONTHS FOR IT WTF LOL. yeah so hmm rather unpleasent day today cauz of the idiot jae result =(
Sunday, March 04, 2007
woot! went bugis to see angela zhang today !! tooo lazy to take pic though =( and lazy to steal photo from other ppl haha
so im just gonna show off my autograph album =x wahaha =x
angela at nus! 2days ago or ytd i dont know haha
tmr last day of school le!! =( take care ba my new friends whereever you all going
Friday, March 02, 2007
2nd last day of school! i went today! not alot of ppl came -.- +me total got 8 ~.~ chinese lesson is boring as usual . the stupid weizhi distracted the teacher from teaching zzz by asking stupid questions about history of china. . so had to borrow magazine from cheryl to read -.- GP lesson ! watched "munich" boring movie sia . except some gun and bomb part lol.
yeah and after school went alexandre hospital to see jing wen which was hospitalize for reason unknown to me lol lol
A LEVEL RESULT! : GRATZ TO HIDA(AAC) AND WENLIN(BBA) !! dam no straight A but yeah gratz . good luck for whatever university course you all applying for
Thursday, March 01, 2007
1ST OF MARCH! TIME REALLY FLIES!! sigh. last few days of my life in mi le . . and i still didnt go school today =) wanted to go for pe de , but raining in the morning -.- so i went tpy met up with hansel and zhongwei for breakfeast at mac den to newton for lan =x
lame part : played maple story -.- created account in D server haha . whoever plays there add me at droskijR =x yea suan came ltr at 2+ den we dota , nick hosting from home as usual ! 3games random til cm rhasta omni. all 3 games we kill the opponent for first blood den they all start leaving-.- last game song la . nick using bone , me suan hansel zhongwei randomed chen,naga, obsidian and sk respectively . sadly is we got lesser frag =( but yeah we won! dam exciting game larhs , full of cheating and backdoooringg haha
this is a fucking lame video but yeah , the point is dont kp noobs