right. congrats to spain for winning the euro(AT LONG LAST), after being KO at qfinal stage at so many euros and world cup already :) hope the spirit of spain will channel into my team LOL during funan :) oh well only 3days more to wcg funan -.-
well important dates for me = prolly the last 3 dota compy i gonna join.
-anyone- that reads this blog , please come support me !!
Friday, June 13, 2008
right i didnt update for quite awhile =/ nearly 2 weeks that is .
haha holidays come and go . sohai such a short one. not even enough to rest -.- haiz life goes on ~
right i bet on soccer for first time in my life? with hansel rayne kerry and hazel! well we placed like 8 bets in total and only rayne won lolz . i put 2-2 on germany vs croatia @_@ haha oh well gg. WINDMILL VS KANKAN NEXT!!
Monday, June 02, 2008
oh yeah been tired lately so didnt blog about capl! woohooo! this time SRO!(second round out __) not bad la hahaha
lol my bracket i updated the score personally ok lol