Sunday, September 21, 2008

haha saturday marks the end of wgt for me. not too bad . lost to ip in grp stage. qualified for 2nd round and won fateD on friday. saturday lost to sweety/ancientone in the quarter finals.. but its really worth it to just look at the final match... the play by xtc and xcn was awesome . alright looks like there's no further compy coming up for me =D time to retire !!!

kkk now for some imba pics with imba 2megapixel phone LOL

oh yeah guan and nic at somewhr near the entrance

nic looking at some asus imba cpu lol

gamers at ps3 booth o.o

ea booth lol

more ea booth

ea babe ^^ inspiration for 2nd game rape maybe? LOL(credit to gxl for pic)

top 16 match lol the only one worth rememering -.-

big screeen!! where all the live matces are televised

left handed shen lsmrf again!(credits dotasg for pixxx)

haha overall i enjoy the event ^^ looking forward to next year's one !!

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