Saturday, January 03, 2009

well. 2009 . went to somewhere in front of padang for countdown with my imba zomfg TEAM YOUTHINKYOUFUNNY . manage to catch the fireworks . . . with the exception of a tree blocking.

yea anyway new resolutions? i already updated my wish list ^^ i wan a camera! those big ones with the extra flash and tripod stand etc lol.

and i wan to cosplay!! coool ok :p

and of cause top 4 in dota compy!! i shouldn't let the capl failure upset me since success is the ability to move on from one failure to another with enthusiasm( i told this to yz before=/) afterall i am top8 of world game master tournament omfg=D

haha ok left the weekends . after that sch will be starting D:

truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies

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