Monday, April 06, 2009

hmmm ages since i last updated but im really too lazy to do stuff yeah.

to the person that tagged o_O!! those phrases come from anime =.=

kk had orientation and stuff from 1st april to 3rd april. hmmm my class have8guys and 8 girls according to the mentor person which is cool, cauz i notice most of the other busines informatic class have more guys and stuff.

kkk finally got my new mouse today~ so rip sony accucore mouse LOL. kkk cant upload the pics directly onto blogger for some reason so i uploaded it to photobucket 1st =.=
kkk my imba messy table LOL~ the accucore mouse lying on my laptop~ lachesis on the fucking imba "mousepad" LOL

oh and just like last year and last last year, i went to highlight my hair again, so mum's nagging again haha but im used to it, really.

hmmm and new prince of tennis looks cool LOL

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