Sunday, July 05, 2009

its been ages since i posted a wall of "quality" text in my blog. think im gonna do so today

k so steamboated with hansel and nic ytd, thus, been having diarhoea since this morning =/ think i accidentally ate some 20% cooked scallop which tasted good anyway

think im gonna, for the first time, bombard this post with some pics 1st

mmm some long overdued pics from my HANDPHONE!?COOL SHIATZ

mm yeah this is like a noticeboard in my mum's office, somewhere in december2008

mmm this was taking by nova, somewhere in april2009

nic eating his gay fried bao, somewhere in t1, april2009

yeah the "cake" me,sherman n ben got for joan...sadly none of us got to eat it g.g, cineleisure,may2009

kk now for some "porfational" shots from my camera

some gay ass called shawn LOL! well only his hand D; , june2009 shimin's house
yeah the house

2fagggggs fighting, june2009,some random playground in sin min

kkk now for text.

so today is finally the last day of my hols, after the 1week extension for elearning due to some h1n1 scare -.-
its quite terrible, both h1n1 and elearning ~o~ due to h1n1 scare, i don't dare to go down for wcg z.z and elearning is just terrible terrible since i have hardly completed anything that doesnt require online submission

k so i have 2 proj, group proj-marketing which is due in 2weeks time(less than 50% complete)
solo proj- html, hahaha i enjoy designing a website of my own even though it takes alot of time(i took nearly 2week and its still so-so only), wish i didnt slack that much, then i will probably have a nicer website..

kk a pic of my website

?.? why is there a tinker?why is there only 1word? in fact , i dont know, a secret maybe ;p

kk a few random and unknown people i just wan to name because their blog/existence contributed to some ideas that i used for my website.
nic( yes you )
fangfang ( ^^ )
shaolun( yeah hansel's classmate)
minji( qwss~)

kk off to enjoy the remaining few hours of my holidays...

p.s yeah something is wrong with blogger regarding uploading pics, thus i have to link them from some piccasa webby thing
p.s.s on a side note, top16 for cybergamingfestival with ytf`

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