Thursday, July 16, 2009

k i am getting pulverized/squashed/shattered by piles of work.

marketing -> redid survey questions like 5 times, thus , have to keep finding people to do it omfg until the point when it irritate some people(like nah). and i'm still stuck on the Price that im suppose to do hahahaha.

tests -> fucking owned by dspt( esther(: ) and essit( everything i studied did not come out )

cmaths -> the fucking lecturer stoped the lecture on tuesday with 20mins left to go claiming that me and my friends were talking. fuck u bitch. revolt and rebel next tuesday

dota -> no idea to continue competitive or not since hansel is asking me to draft every other day but i can hardly fork out time for it. . o well wgt is still far i guess(hope)

kk gotta finish my marketing now cauz if im late for dspt again tmr i will get warning letter FTW

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